英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:52:38
  • 网络解释

1. in contrast的解释

1. 相反,大不相同:in the case of adv.在...的情况下 | in contrast相反,大不相同 | in conclusion adv.最后,总之

2. 相反:in contact with 与. . . 联络(系) | in contrast 相反 | in cooperation with 与. . . 合作

3. 成对比:19.in consequence of 由于 | 20.in contrast 成对比 | 21.in contrast to 和...成对照

4. 相比而言:Criteria 前提 | In contrast 相比而言 | Seniority 资历

In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage.(相比之下,在选择制造地点时经常被忽视的质量问题,往往是创造和支持竞争优势的核心。)
In contrast, when juvenile lobsters were reared in a smooth tank without the oyster chips, the majority developed two cutter claws.(相比之下,当幼龙虾在没有牡蛎片的光滑鱼缸中饲养时,大多数都发育出了两个刀爪。)
In contrast, the operations of global financial markets today affect people from Peoria to Penang.(相比之下,今天全球金融市场运作影响着从皮奥里亚到槟城的人们。)
In contrast, the nonenzymatic process adds glucose haphazardly to any of several sites along any available peptide chain within a protein molecule.(相反,非酶法过程中,葡萄糖被随意地添加到蛋白质分子中任意肽链的随意几个位置。)
Mars, in contrast, has a wildly oscillating tilt and chaotic seasonality, while Venus, rotating slowly backward, has virtually no seasonality at all.(相比之下,火星有着剧烈的倾斜和混乱的季节性,而金星则缓慢地向后旋转,几乎没有实质上的任何季节性。)
In contrast, adults behaved in similar ways regardless of whether they were on their own or observed by others.(相比之下,成年人的行为方式却很相似,不管他们是独自一人还是被别人观察。)
In contrast to parasitism, in commensalism, one partner benefits without significantly affecting the other.(与寄生不同,在共生关系中,一方受益而另一方不受明显影响。)
In contrast, "night owls" who go to bed between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. tend to consume more coffee, alcohol, refined sugars and processed meats than early risers.(与此相反,晚上11点到凌晨3点睡觉的“夜猫子”比早起的人倾向于消耗更多的咖啡、酒精、精制糖和加工肉类。)
In contrast, less than a century later, in 1979, the parents of a three-year-old sued in New York for accidental-death damages and won an award of $750,000.(相比之下,在不到一个世纪后的1979年,一对三岁孩子的父母在纽约起诉意外死亡损害,并赢得了75万美元的赔偿金。)
In contrast, high-frequency fluctuations such as seasonal temperature variations are observable and somewhat predictable, so that groups could have adapted their behaviors accordingly.(相反,诸如季节性温度变化等高频波动是可以观察到的,而且在某种程度上是可以预测的,因此群体可以相应地调整它们的行为。)
in contrast是什么意思 in contrast在线翻译 in contrast什么意思 in contrast的意思 in contrast的翻译 in contrast的解释 in contrast的发音 in contrast的同义词